Helpful tips to sell your hair

Helpful tips to selling your hair

We wanted to share a few tips & tricks on the best way to make a deal when selling your hair online. If you’re having trouble making a sale here are a few things we recommend doing.

When listing your hair your asking price is very important. If you start your asking price too high potential buyers will be turned off and may pass your listing for another. Check out other ads that our on the site and compare your hair to theirs and see if your length, color, thickness, and asking price lines up with what the market is willing to pay. Sometimes we tend to think what we have for sale is worth a lot more than what the market will pay for it and these listings end up with no bids or sale. 

We also recommend giving the best description you can about your hair. Buyers want to know how often you get a trim, what shampoo and conditioner you use, do you use styling tools on your hair, and how often. Any information you can share with others will better your chance of making a sale. Pictures are your best friend when trying to sell something. You need to ask yourself if you would purchase an item over $100 online site unseen. Even if the photo is not the best quality it is better than not having one at all. Having photos will also help in increasing your chance in making a sale.

We hope you find this information helpful. If you have any tips or tricks you would like to share, please contact us or comment below.